notebook opened


fun cool times B)

Hi! My name's Jo, thanks for checking out my website. Sorry things are a bit messy around here at the moment. I've been meaning to make a neocities for ages now, but lately college has left me pretty burnt out. but I'm working on it now! its gonna happen!

I'm classifying this place as a blog for now, but I want it to eventually grow to become a multitude of things. I want to share my passion for art. I want to write stories. I want to keep track of my (many, many) projects. I want a place to collect things. I want to give my brain a place to play. I want to create the vast digital playground that I wanted the internet to be as child.

It's a bit scary to actually to put this all out here. This project is weirdly personal. Some of the graphics I'm using are literally scans of one of my childhood notebooks. But I'm so excited to finally have time to work on this.

Hopefully over the next few weeks I will be able to add more things to the blog and start on some other features. Keep an eye on the to-do list for upcoming stuff. :)
